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Boost Following with Feel Good Giveaways

June 24, 2011 | By | No Comments

Free stuff. For years, retailers have used the giveaway to generate interest and traffic. On Social Media Examiner, Koozai search specialist Mike Essex shares tips on how to use the giveaway to build a social network following. Within one of his tips, there was an idea that, for me, was a real stand-out:

Be a goodwill giver.

Mike tells the story of shoe retailer TOMS, who uses their Facebook page for a shoe giveaway. The recipients aren’t customers, however; instead, for every pair purchased by a customer, the company gives away one pair to the developing world. In fact, their page is branded as the “One for One” campaign. They use the page on the social network to keep their more than 900,000 fans updated on the program’s progress.

Giveaways that go directly to the customers often lead to a lively marketing debate: Does the free stuff cheapen the brand? Will customers start to only make a purchase when they expect to get free product?

But giving away free products and services to people and organizations in need is an entirely different animal. Social media gives brands the platform to share their passions and the initiatives they use to support them.

So the next time stewardship is on the agenda, consider how to use Facebook or other social media to help further your favorite cause. If done well, it will boost social media following (via consumers who want to feel they’re doing good with their purchase or other action, such as a “like”) and it will boost the profile of the cause you’re working for.

How have you used social media to promote corporate stewardship campaigns?

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