Even if you’re not tapping into social networks from your mobile device every day, many of your mobile social network using customers likely are. Marketing Pilgrim reported that more than half of mobile social networkers in a comScore study reported visiting social sites or blogs almost daily. More study tidbits from this survey include:
- 53% said they read organization/brand/event updates.
- 53% followed a posted link to a website.
- 34% posted a link to a website.
- 33% used mobile social networks to grab a deal or coupon.
- 28% clicked on an advertisement.
The mobile social media audience has jumped 37% in the last year alone.
Mobile social networking gives consumers the ability to have conversations and post reviews—all in real time. That means a cruddy restaurant experience can be posted directly to Yelp or a shopper can gripe when a store is out of stock on this year’s must-have toy.
Has the incorporation of mobile into the social media mix changed the way you listen or engage online?